GWT and GWT4Raphael

Tutorial for install GWT&GWTRaphael :

1) WHY ?
For begin, the why : use GWT if you need fast Javascript and fast develop with modern feature ( i.e.
type checking, refactoring, etc), And use Raphael for have really easy and nice graphic for statistic or vectorial animation.
2) what to download :
List is long, you need to have :
-Last version of eclipse :
-GWTRaphae libraryl: two choice, I choosen this one :

After downloaded them, you need to download GWT tools from eclipse market :

You need also some extra tools for be okay :

Take the two, as show on the picture,
After that, u need to create a project, choose Google/Web Application Project :

In the wizard, disallow AppMarket (if you want !) , the wizard should look as :

Now you a project that's support GWT, but not raphael4GWT, so we need to add it to the project:
1) rigth clik on the project/build path/configure build path, and in the libraries click on external jar, choose your raphael4gwt.jar, and this will look like it :

Next step is to convert your application for make disappear server side call. For it you need to delete the shared and server from your generated code and from the src/yourapp,gwt.xml,

It is done !

Now try raphael4gwt :
//create a raphael paper at 0,0 screen coords and size 300x300
Paper paper = Raphael.paper(0, 0, 300, 300);
//draw a red rounded rectangle
Shape rect1 = paper.rect(20, 10, 22, 25, 2).
attr(new Attr().fill("red"));

At end of your java source, enjoy !!!!!
Next time we will see how to make it work on device like iPhone and Android.

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